Fish genetics sampling Saturday July 12

Please Read carefully and completely. Please reply to this email indicating you still plan to attend, understand the plans and provide any missing information.

For your name on the attached participant list, please provide any missing or wrong information (any organization like TU or BVFF that you are affiliated with for example, if you are camping, etc.).

If you wish to contact other participants on the list to coordinate carpooling, camping, etc – please do so on an individual basis – please do not email the entire group.  You can post information for the whole group on the message board at the website.

I will be sending an additional email the week of the event with further details.  But the plans now are as follows:

Camping at Reclamation Village area across from Village Boat Ramp.  I will arrive on Thursday evening.  We will have BVFF and TU banners at the site So you know where we are but you can also look for my Arctic Fox camper in case some other large group beats us to the campsite and we locate elsewhere.

Saturday, July 12:

7:00A – Suggest you allow 2 hours for driving over, day of the event.  I have chosen Albertson’s parking lot on Hwy 21 near I-84 as a meeting point for anyone wishing to meet up for carpooling.  Plan to meet near Tulley’s there in the parking lot.

9:00A – Briefing on the days goals, distribute sample envelopes, instructions from biologists, etc at Reclamation Village camping area

Ø      if you happen to be late and miss the briefing, please go to the reclamation village area and look for the Arctic Fox camper to pick up any information.

9:45A – Meet you boat captains and transfer your gear as necessary. You will be assigned to boats (see requested info below to provide me).  A email next week will have that detail.

10:00A – Leave for put-in points and begin fishing, vehicles will be shuttled to your takeout and coordinated by James Piotroski and Pam Smolczynski.  Explanation provided at the briefing.

6-7:00P – return sample envelopes to Biologist at camp, download digital pic’s

7:00P – Cookout / Barbeque provided by BVFF, TTTU and other volunteers

Ø      If we have time, we’ll announce the days results

Ø      Please RSVP if you will or will not attend the cookout for headcount purposes

Ø      Hamburgers/Chicken, Chips, Sodas provided

Ø      Bring your own adult beverages

Ø      If you can bring a side dish or dessert that would be great

Ø      Bring a chair and portable table if possible

Ø      Help with cleanup will be appreciated

We hope to have prizes for:

–        biggest trout (maybe 1st, 2nd, 3rd)

–        most trout (maybe 1st, 2nd, 3rd)

–        most whitefish (you don’t want to win this one!)

–        smallest trout

Notify me of:

–        Any prizes you can donate for the event

–        if you prefer to wade rather than float (waders will need to fish with a partner)

–        preference for your boat captain if you have one

–        preference for river section to fish if you have one (will do my best to accommodate everyone’s wishes but we have 5-6 sections of river to fish and collect samples)

–        boat captains – if you are bringing others not listed, please advise their names

–        boat captains – float sections you prefer or comfortable with

o       Float Sections:

§        Dam to Indian Point

§        Village to Cow Creek a

§        Indian Point to Camp 10 a

§        Cow Creek to Danskin b

§        Camp 10 to Trail Creek b (tentative)

§        Danskin to Neal Bridge c (canyon section)

a) requires skills to float through Slide Rapid and rock garden

b) requires skills to float through Pine Tree Rapid and rock gardens

c) requires raft and skills to float through multiple class II and III rapids

Special Items to bring (other than typical fishing gear) – let me know if you can bring:

–        GPS to mark points where fish are captured (data will not be released – used by biologists only)

–        Digital Camera

–        5 Gallon Bucket (one per boat)

–        2-way radio (we’ll use a common channel for communications)

–        Single hole paper punch for fin clips (one per boat, we will provide if you don’t have)

–        Ball point pen

–        Lawn Chair and portable tables for the cookout

Mike Toalson

208-899-8612 (h)

208-340-3895 (m)

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